Baronia, D.A., Liwanag, H.E.M., Pearson, L.E., and Kurle, C.M. (2025) Understanding early ontogeny and whisker growth dynamics of Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) pups through stable isotope analysis. Marine Mammal Science: e13229. [pdf]
Riordan, K., Dean, A.E., Kerr, S.J., Thometz, N.M., Batac, F.I., and Liwanag, H.E.M. (2024) A novel comparison of southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) fur buoyancy across ontogeny. The Journal of Experimental Biology 227(17): jeb247134. [pdf]
Riordan, K., Thometz, N.M., Batac, F.I., Nicholson, T.E., and Liwanag, H.E.M. (2023) Effects of ontogeny and oiling on the thermal function of southern sea otter (Enhydra lutris nereis) fur. Conservation Physiology 11(1): coad095. [pdf]
Haro, D.A., Pauly, G.B., and Liwanag, H.E.M. (2023) Rapid physiological plasticity in response to cold acclimation for non-native Italian Wall Lizards (Podarcis siculus) from New York. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 96(5): 356-368. [pdf]
Riordan, K., Dean, A.E., Adema, P., Thometz, N.M., Batac, F., and Liwanag, H.E.M. (2023) Ontogenetic changes in southern sea otter (Enhyda lutris nereis) fur morphology. Journal of Morphology 284: e21624. [pdf]
Wohlgemuth, R.P., Haro, D.A., and Liwanag, H.E.M. (2023) Osmotic and metabolic responses to cold acclimation and acute cold challenge in a freeze avoidant lizard, Podarcis siculus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Part A: Molecular & Integrative Physiology 283: 111471. [article]
Thompson, A., Kapsanaki, V., Liwanag, H.E.M., Pafilis, P., Wang, I.J., and Brock, K.M. (2023) Some like it hotter: Differential thermal preferences among lizard color morphs. Journal of Thermal Biology 113: 103532. [pdf]
Eberle, P., Haro, D., Rekevics, K., and Liwanag, H.E.M. (2022) Physiological effects of caudal autotomy and tail regeneration in Italian Wall Lizards (Podarcis siculus). Journal of Herpetology 56: 434-443. [pdf]
Whoriskey, S., Pearson, L.E., Harris, H.S., Whitmer, E.R., Liwanag, H.E.M., Brodie, E., and Johnson, S. (2022) Combination midazolam and butorphanol is a safe and effective reversible field sedation protocol for Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) pups. Veterinary Record: e2238. [pdf]
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Weitzner, E.L., Pearson, L.E., Tomanek, L., and Liwanag, H.E.M. (2021) Early diving behavior in Weddell seal (Leptonychotes weddellii) pups. Journal of Mammalogy 102(4): 1000-1008. [pdf]
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Williams, T.M., Rutishauser, M., Long, B., Fink, T., Gafney, J., Mostman-Liwanag, H., and Casper, D. (2007) Seasonal variability in otariid energetics: Implications for the effects of predators on localized prey resources. Physiological and Biochemical Zoology 80(4): 433-443. [pdf]